Monday 5 October 2009

Evaluation of Progress: week 5

Tristan Todorov, Vladimir Propp and Claude Levi Strauss each proposed their own theory concerning the narrative of a film.

Todorov proposed that each and every narrative was capable of being broken down in to 5 distinct steps, these being:
The Equilibrium - Where the scene and characters are established.
A Disruption to the equilibrium - The introduction of a major event or character (such as a villain or love interest).
Recognition of the disruption - Where the characters acknowledge the disruption.
Attempt to repair the disruption - The height of the narratives tension, where an attempt is made to restore or change the equilibrium.
A new or reinstated equilibrium: A return to the original situation at the begining of the narrative or a new one. whereby all remaining problems are solved and all loose ends tied up.

Propp argued that for every narrative there were eight character roles (including villain, damsel in distress, hero, anti hero)
and thirty one narrative functions.

Finally Levi Strauss argued that every narrative was based around the principles of binary opposites.

Skills Using The Camera

When filming with the camera we each took turns at every location. Making sure to utilize as many of the cameras features as possible, which was easy enough to do as the camera was user friendly and not too complex.

Using Imovie

Using Imovie was simple enough considering that I have never used it before.
From the demonstration provided I was able to grasp the basic concepts and controls of the program. From Imovie I was able to learn how to piece together the footage using the storyboard step by step process and how to cut unnecessary footage. I was also able to view and trial several of the effects provided by the program. I believe that I have learnt a considerable amount from this session using Imovie.

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