Thursday 21 January 2010

Questionnaire Analysis

From looking at the results of my questionnaire I am able to get a good idea of the opinions and expectations of my target audience and see how I can best integrate this in to my final piece.

The first question I asked was whether people would rather hear a piece of specially composed music or an authentic piece of period music. The vast majority of people (13/20) voted in favour of having a piece of period music and as a result of this I have begun searching for a relevant piece of music.

Secondly I asked people whether they were male or female in order to build up a picture of my target audience. The results showed that 14 out of 20 people I asked were female, while only 6 were male. From this I have determined that my target audience is mostly female orientated.

Continuing to try and build up a picture of my target audience I then asked how old each person was. The results of this question range considerably and go from 10-20 (years old) to over 60's.

However the largest age group which accounted for 25% of the vote was 40-50 with 5 people although both of the age groups 50-60 and over over 60 achieved 4 votes each. From this I can determine that the majority of my target audience is past the age of 40.

I then gave people a description/summary of two potential film openings which I had written and asked which of the two they preferred. The results indicate that 15 people (75%) of the people I asked preferred my first idea and I have subsequently chosen this as my final idea.

Next I asked which of four sub genres (Mystery, Thriller, Romance and Sci fi) they would prefer for a period drama. The results showed that 10 people (50%) voted for romance with mystery second, claiming 5 votes (25%). I have now decided to use romance as a sub genre as this also appears to fit with my target audience being women over the age of 40.

I then asked people what their favourite aspect of period dramas was. The results showed that the majority of people prefer the plot more than anything. Although "location" and "characters"

also proved popular and commanded nearly half of the overall vote.

After this I asked whether or not people would prefer to have a female lead character or a male lead character. The results showed that nearly three quarters (14/20) of people would rather have a female main character, with only 6 people (around 25%) who would prefer a male lead.

Finally I asked people which era they would rather see a period drama set in, The choices ranged from the 1830s right up to the 1940s. The majority of people (40%) chose early victorian (1830s-1870s) while 30% chose late victorian (1870s-1890s). The results show that the 19th century is the most popular subject for period dramas with the audience, The 20th century proved not to be as popular although the 20th century choice which gained the most votes (15%) was the 1920's. This conforms with my original choice to set a period drama in the 1920's.

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