Thursday 24 September 2009

Evaluation of genre music

Evaluation of Research

In order to produce our piece of music we each decided to individually research our chosen genre
(action). I thought that amongst the things that went well, the use of Wikipedia was a paramount site on which to obtain information, I felt that I was able to successfully gather sufficient information concerning the tempo, pitch, speed and volume of successful compositions used in action films.
However, I also feel disappointed that I was unable to source out more in depth analysis of action music. I feel this was because I was unable to use specific enough terminology when using the search engine Google.
By the end of the research session I think that I was able to produce enough research, Including examples of existing compositions and information regarding the tempo and pitch. I was also able to locate several motion picture scores on itunes although they were only 30 second clips.
If I was to research this genre of music again then I would definitely broaden the terminology when using search engines. I would also attempt to locate longer pieces of music to help me understand the progression of the music piece.
Using Garageband

After completing our research we were set the task of composing our own piece of music in groups using the program Garageband. We were given a brief demonstration of how to use the program which was sufficient enough to reacquaint me with the program.
When composing our piece we initially started out with the electronic keyboard, with which we created a basic tune to pace our piece which we subsequently changed the instrument to a hip hop style drum.
We then proceeded to add various synthetic and hip hop related instruments and beats to our piece in an attempt to maintain a fast tempo.
Unfortunately I feel that we were unsuccessful and that the finished piece was extremely sketchy and random as it often skipped beats and switched between the instruments. Also many people were unable to define our chosen genre, with action(our chosen genre) being about the 8th genre suggested.
I feel that given the chance again I would change the make up of the piece and begin by selecting a more relevant beat from the selection of basic beats provided. I also feel that I would be able to create a piece much more quickly after having spent some time familiarising myself with Garageband.
Evaluating role within a team
From this lesson I conclude that I have furthered my skills with Garageband and now have a wider range of understanding within the program and which instruments, tempo and beats are best to accompany a piece of action music.
Within our team I feel that I contributed by selecting the initial beats and rythym of the piece and suggesting what might work with the piece.

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